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News And Announcements

Happy New Year 2016 Jan 01, 2016

We hope Happy New Year for everyone!
the few months of 2015 was great for DonaldCoin to be one of the most active bitcoin sites in the community. and hope 2016 be a good year for all DonaldCoin.com members.

We are preparing something good will be ready on 2016, it's a 3D PC Game from DonaldCoin.com which can be connected to your DonaldCoin account and increase your satoshi by playing our new real Game.
This will takes some time for sure, specially for levels building, setting up game engine, and doing tests,..etc
however, we hope this will be ready before May 2016.
Keep your eyes on DonaldCoin and win some bitcoins while having fun!
Thanks everyone for your support, and have a Happy Happy new year!

Security Updated! Nov 30, 2015

Now DonaldCoin security updated. We want to give special thanks for wwwAnalysis.com team for the Great support they give to us. We advice other sites owners to check their sites with wwwAnalysis team hopefully they will get same awesome support.

Thanks everyone for supporting DonaldCoin.

You might be attacked by Beagle Boys ! Nov 30, 2015

As most members notice, and while Donald was sleeping, Beagle Boys was around and attacked some members here.
Maybe you lost some satoshi or coins because of this attack.
the little three Sons restored all lost information and kicked out Beagle Boys.

Donald understand that Beagle Boys may come back again, so he is going to update his building security, and his smart friends and sons promising to help.

Thanks for using DonaldCoin and hope this attack not happens again.

Grand Opening! Sep 05, 2015

Now DonaldCoin is 1 Month Old, delivered over 2 BTC paid out to members within up to 45,000 Payouts instantly. Now we are adding 2 G.B to our server RAM to be now 4 G.B for handling more active members. Thanks for being a member on DonaldCoin family. We are growing up because of you! We hope you enjoy your stay!

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